Lojo-Rodríguez, Laura. “Magic Realism and Experimental Fiction: From Virginia Woolf to Jeanette Winterson”, in Anne Fernald, ed. The Oxford Handbook of Virginia Woolf. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018 [forthcoming]

Lojo-Rodríguez, Laura. ‘”Thought in American and for the Americans”: Victoria Ocampo, Sur and European Modernism’, in Falcato A., Cardiello A. eds. The Condition of Modernism. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, 167-190.

Sacido-Romero, Jorge. “Liminality in Janice Galloway’s Short Fiction”. Zeitschrift für und Amerikanistik: A Quarterly of Language, Literature and Culture. 66/4 (2018) (forthcoming).

Sacido-Romero, Jorge. “An Interview with Janice Galloway”. The Bottle Imp 23 (June 2018)

Sacido-Romero, Jorge. “Intertextuality and Intermediality in Janice Galloway’s ‘Scenes from the Life’ (Blood 1991)”. Short Fiction in Theory and Practice 8/1 (2018).



Lojo-Rodriguez, Laura. “Tourism and Identitary Conflicts in Monica Ali’s Alentejo Blue”. Miscelánea: A Journal of English and American Studies. vol. 53 (2017). Forthcoming.

Lojo-Rodriguez, Laura. “Writing to Historicize and Contextualize: The Example of Virginia Woolf”. The Discipline, Ethics, and Art of Writing about Literature. Ed. Kirilka Stavreva. Gale-Cengage, Gale Researcher British Literature. Forthcoming.

March-Russell, Paul. The Abcanny Politics of Landscape in Lucy Wood’s Diving Belles. Short Fiction in Theory and Practice, 7(1): 53-65.

Mieszkowksi, Sylvia. “An Interview with A. L. Kennedy”. The Bottle Imp 22. Online at: https://www.thebottleimp.org.uk/2017/11/interview-l-kennedy/



Lojo-Rodriguez, Laura. “Virginia Woolf in Spanish-Speaking Countries” in Jessica Berman, ed., The Blackwell Companion to Virginia Woolf. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2016, 446-480.

March-Russel, Paul. “Writing and Publishing the Short Story” in Anne-Marie Einhaus, ed., The Cambridge Companion to the English Short Story. Cambridge, UP, 2016.

Rallo-Lara, Carmen, J. Sacido-Romero, L. Torres-Zúñiga and I. Andrés Cuevas. “Women’s Tales of Dissent: Exploring Female Experience in the Short Fiction of Helen Simpson, Janice Galloway, A. S. Byatt, and Jeanette Winterson”. On the Move: Glancing Backwards to Build a Future in English Studies. Aitor Ibarrola-Armendariz and Jon Ortiz de Urbina Arruabarrena (eds.). Bilbao: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Deusto, 2016, 345-50.

Sacido-Romero, Jorge. “Ghostly Visitations in Contemporary Short Fiction by Women: Fay Weldon, Janice Galloway and Ali Smith”. Atlantis: A Journal of the Spanish Association for Anglo-American Studies, 38.2 (Dec 2016): 83-102.



Lojo-Rodriguez, Laura. “La poética del cuento en la primera mitad del siglo XX en Reino Unido: Virgina Woolf y Elizabeth Bowen”. Fragmentos de realidad. Servicio de publicaciones de la Universidad, 2015.

March-Russel, Paul. “‘I am not that’: Liminality in the Short Fiction of Joanna Russ” in Jochen Achilles and Ina Bergmann, eds., Liminality and the Short Story: Boundary Crossings in British, American and Canadian Writing. Routledge, 2015, 225–237.

March-Russel, Paul. Modernism and Science Fiction. Palgrave Macmillan, 2015.

Mieszkowksi, Sylvia. “Kitsch als Kitt: Die ‘preposterous history’ von Gilbert & Sullivans The Mikado in Mike Leighs Topsy-Turvy” [fertig gestellt], in: Kitsch und Nation eds. Kathrin Ackermann and Christopher F. Laferl; Bielefeld: [transcript], 2015.

Sacido-Romero, Jorge and Silvia Mieszkowski (eds.). Sound Effects: The Object Voice in Fiction. Leiden: Brill / Rodopi.

Sacido-Romero, Jorge. “The Voice in Twentieth-Century English Short Fiction: E.M. Forster, V.S. Pritchett and Muriel Spark,” in J. Sacido-Romero and S. Mieszkowski, eds., Sound Effects: The Object Voice in Fiction. Leiden: Brill / Rodopi, 2015, 185–214.



Andrés-Cuevas, Isabel Ma, Laura Lojo-Rodríguez and Carmen Lara-Rallo. “The Short Story and the Verbal-Visual Dialogue” in E. Álvarez-López (coord. and ed.), E. M. Durán-Almarza and A. Menéndez-Tarrazo, eds., Building International Knowledge. Approaches to English and American Studies in Spain. AEDEAN/Universidad de Oviedo, 2014, 261–266.

Andrés-Cuevas, Isabel M. “Modernism, Postmodernism, and the Short Story in English, ed. Jorge Sacido”. Miscelánea: Revista de Estudios Ingleses y Norteamericanos 50 (2014): 173–177.

Lara-Rollo, Carmen, Laura Lojo-Rodríguez and Isabel Andrés Cuevas). “The Short Story and the Verbal-Visual Dialogue” in Esther Álvarez López et al., eds., Building Interdisciplinary Knowledge. Approaches to English and American Studies in Spain. Oviedo: KRK Ediciones, 2014 261–65.

Lojo-Rodriguez, Laura. “‘The Saving Power of Hallucination’: Elizabeth Bowen’s “Mysterious Kôr” and Female Romance”. Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik 62.4 (2014): 273–289.

Lojo-Rodriguez, Laura. “Unveiling the Past: Éilís Ní Dhuibhne’s ‘Sex in the Context of Ireland’”. Nordic Irish Studies 13.2 (2014): 19–30.

Mieszkowksi, Sylvia. “Feudal Furies: Interpellation and Tragic Irony in Shakespeare’s Coriolanus”. Zeitsprünge 18 (2014), Vol. 3/4, 333–348.

Mieszkowksi, Sylvia. “QueerIng Ads? Imagepflege (in) der heteronormativen Gesellschaft,” in Jörn Arendt, Lutz Hieber and York Kautt, eds., Kampf um Images: Visuelle Kommunikation in gesellschaftlichen Konfliktlagen. Bielefeld: transcript, 2014, 117–136.

Mieszkowksi, Sylvia. “Was war und ist Homosexualitätsforschung?” in Jenniver Evans, Rüdiger Lautmann, Florian Mildenberge and Jakob Pastötter Homosexualität, eds., Spiegel der Wissenschaften. Hamburg: Männerschwarm Verlag, 2014.

Mieszkowksi, Sylvia.Resonant Alterities: Sound, Desire and Anxiety in Non-Realist Fiction. Bielefeld: [transcript], 2014.

Torres-Zúñiga, Laura. “Autofiction and Jouissance in Tennessee Williams’s ‘Ten Minute Stop’” The Tennessee Williams Annual Review (2014).

Torres-Zúñiga, Laura. “Sea and sun and maybe – Quien sabe! Tennessee Williams and Spain” in J.S. Bak, ed., Tennessee Williams in Europe: Intercultural Encounters, Transatlantic Exchanges. Rodopi, 2014.



Torres-Zúñiga, Laura. “Comida, mujeres y poder en la obra de Tennessee Williams/Food, Women and Power in the Work of Tennessee Williams” Dossiers Feministes 17 (2013).

Mieszkowksi, Sylvia. “Unauthorised Intercourse: Early Modern Bed Tricks and their Under-Lying Ideologies”. Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik 4 (2013): 319–340.

Mieszkowksi, Sylvia. “Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick” in Marianne Schmidbaur, Helma Lutz and Ulla Wischermann, KlassikerInnen Feministischer Theorie. Bd III (1986-Gegenwart). Königstein/Taunus: Ulrike Helmer Verlag, 2013, 285–291.

March-Russel, Paul. “The Jilted Generation? The New Puritans a Decade On” in José Francisco-Fernández, ed., The New Puritan Generation: Essays on British Fiction at the Turn of the 21st Century. Gylphi, 2013.

March-Russel, Paul. “‘And did those feet?’ Mapmaking London and the Postcolonial Limits of Psychogeography” in Maggie Awadalla and Paul March-Russell, eds., The Postcolonial Short Story: Contemporary Essays. Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, 79–95.

Lojo-Rodriguez, Laura. “Exilio, historia, e a visión feminina: Éilís Ní Dhuibhne” in Felipe Andrés Aliaga Sáez, ed., Cultura y migraciones: Enfoques multidisciplinarios. Santiago de Compostela: Servicio de publicaciones de la Universidad, 2013, 178–183.

Lara-Rollo, Carmen. “Intertextual and Relational Echoes in Contemporary British Short Fiction”. Il Confronto Letterario 60 sup. (2013): 119–133.

Andrés-Cuevas, Isabel Ma, Laura Lojo-Rodríguez and Jorge Sacido-Romero. “Parents Then and Now: Infantile and Parental Crises in the Short Fiction of Katherine Mansfield, Helen Simpson and Hanif Kureishi” in R. Arias, M. López-Rodríguez, C. Pérez-Hernández and A. Moreno-Ortiz, eds., Hopes and Fears. English and American Studies in Spain. AEDEAN/Universidad de Málaga, 2013, 304–307.



Torres-Zúñiga, Laura. “Married Folks They are; And Few Pleasures They Have’: Marriage Scenes in O. Henry’s Short Stories” in Mauricio D. Aguilera-Linde, María José de la Torre-Moreno and Laura Torres-Zúñiga, eds., Into Another’s Skin: Studies in Honor of Mª Luisa Dañobeitia. Granada: Editorial Universidad de Granada, 2012.

Sacido-Romero, Jorge. (with C. Lara-Rallo and I. Andrés Cuevas). “Nature in Late-Twentieth-Century English Short Fiction: Angela Carter, Margaret Drabble and A. S. Byatt”. Proceedings of the 38th AEDEAN Conference.

Sacido-Romero, Jorge. “The Boy’s Voice and Voices for the Boy in Joyce’s ‘The Sisters’”. Papers on Joyce 17.18 (Dec 2012): 203–242.

Sacido-Romero, Jorge. “Modernism, Postmodernism, and the Short Story”, in Jorge Sacido, ed. Modernism, Postmodernism and the Short Story in English. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2012, 1-25.

Sacido-Romero, Jorge (ed.). Modernism, Postmodernism, and the Short Story in English. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2012
March-Russel, Paul. “The Writing Machine: J.G. Ballard in Modern and Postmodern Short Story Theory” in Jorge Sacido, ed., Modernism, Postmodernism and the Short Story in English. Rodopi, 2012.

March-Russel, Paul. “The Neo-Romantic Wyndham Lewis” in Carmen Casaliggi and Paul March-Russell, eds., Legacies of Romanticism: Literature, Aesthetics, Culture. Routledge, 2012.

March-Russel, Paul. “Baby Tuckoo among the Grown-Ups: Modernism and Childhood in the Interwar Period” in Adrienne Gavin, ed., The Child in British Literature. Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.

Lojo-Rodriguez, Laura. (ed.). Moving across a Century: Women’s Short Fiction from Virginia Woolf to Ali Smith. Bern: Peter Lang, 2012.

Lojo-Rodriguez, Laura. “Recovering the Maternal Body as Paradise: Michèle Roberts’s ‘Charity’”. Atlantis: A Journal of the Spanish Association of Anglo-American Studies 34.2 (Dec 2012): 33–47.

Lara-Rollo, Carmen. “The Rebirth of the Musical Author in Recent Fiction Written in English”. Authorship 1.2 (2012): 1–9.

Lara-Rollo, Carmen. “The Myth of Pygmalion and the Petrified Woman” in José Manuel Losada and Marta Guirao, eds., Recent Anglo-American Fiction. Myth and Subversion in the Contemporary Novel. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012, 199–212.

Casado-Villanueva, Maria. “The Little Red Governess: Mansfield and the demythologisation of the motif of Little Red Riding Hood in ‘The Little Governess’” in Gina Wisker, ed., Katherine Mansfield’s Studies 4 ( Edinburgh UP, Oct 2012).

Casado-Villanueva, Maria. “Flying off Tangents: Katherine Mansfield’s Short Stories”, in Laura Mª Lojo Rodríguez, ed. Moving Across a Century: Women’s Short Fiction from Virginia Woolf to Ali Smith. Bern: Peter Lang Publishing, 2012, 29–54.

Andrés-Cuevas, Isabel Ma, Laura Lojo-Rodríguez and Carmen Lara-Rallo. “Escenarios de la memoria: espacio, recuerdo y pasado traumático” in S. Martín-Alegre, M. Moyer, E. Pladevall and S. Tuvau, eds., At a Time of Crisis: English and American Studies in Spain: Works from the 35th AEDEAN Conference. AEDEAN/Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, 2012, 242–245.



Sacido-Romero, Jorge. “Failed Exorcism: Kurtz Spectral Status and Its Ideological Function in Conrad’s ‘Heart of Darkness’”. Atlantis: A Journal of the Spanish Association for Anglo-American Studies. 32.2 (Dec 2011): 43–60.

Lojo-Rodriguez, Laura. “Voices from the Margins: Éilís Ní Dhuibhne’s Female Perspective in The Pale Gold of Alaska and Other Stories”. Nordic Irish Studies 10 (2011): 35–40.

Lojo-Rodriguez, Laura and Jorge Sacido-Romero. “Through the Eye of a Postmodernist Child: Ian McEwan’s ‘Homemade’”. Miscelánea: A Journal of English and American Studies 44 (2011): 107–120.

Lara-Rollo, Carmen. “Deep Time and Human Time: The Geological Representation of Ageing in Contemporary Literature” in Brian Worsfold, ed., Acculturating Age: Approaches to Cultural Gerontology. Lérida: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Lérida, 2011, 167–86.

Lara-Rollo, Carmen. “‘She thought human thoughts and stone thoughts’: Geology and the Mineral World in A.S. Byatt’s Fiction” in Cedric Barfoot and Valeria Tinkler-Villani, eds., Restoring the Mystery of the Rainbow. Literature’s Refraction of Science. Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi, 2011, 487–506.

Casado-Villanueva, Maria. “Terrible Absences, Horrible Presences: Phantasmagorias of Childhood in the British Modernist and Postmodernist Short Story” in Lee Baxter and Paula Brăescu, eds., Fear within Melting Boundaries. Oxford: Interdisciplinary Press, 2011, 21–28.

Casado-Villanueva, Maria. “Modernism and the Disenchantments of Modernity in ‘The Rocking Horse Winner’ and ‘A Suburban Fairy Tale’” in Catriona McAra and David Calvin, eds., Anti-tales: The uses of Disenchantment. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2011.

Andrés-Cuevas, Isabel Ma. “Virginia Woolf’s Ethics of the Short Story, by Christine Reynier”. Miscelánea: Revista de Estudios Ingleses y Norteamericanos 42 (2011): 173–179.

Andrés-Cuevas, Isabel Ma and G. Rodríguez-Salas. The Aesthetic Construction of the Female Grotesque in Katherine Mansfield and Virginia Woolf: A Study of the Interplay of Life and Literature. Edwin Mellen Press: Lampeter, Ceredigion, 2011.



Lojo-Rodriguez, Laura, Manuela Palacios and Mª Xesús Nogueira. Creation, Publishing, and Criticism: The Advance of Women’s Writing. Bern: Peter Lang, 2010.

Lara-Rollo, Carmen. “‘The metamorphosis of freedom’. Utopia and Dystopia in A.S. Byatt’s
Andrés-Cuevas, Isabel Ma, Carmen Lara-Rallo and L. Filardo-Lamas. “The Shot in the Story: A Roundtable Discussion on Subversion in the Short Story” in R. Galán-Moya et al., eds., Proceedings of the 33rd Aedean International Conference. Aedean/Universidad De Cádiz, 2010.



March-Russel, Paul.The Short Story: An Introduction. Edinburgh University Press, 2009.

Lojo-Rodriguez, Laura. “The Poetics of Motherhood in Contemporary Irish Women’s Verse” in Manuela Palacios and Laura Lojo-Rodríguez, eds., Writing Bonds: Irish and Galician Women Poets. Bern: Peter Lang, 2009, 123-142.

Lojo-Rodriguez, Laura. “Making Sense of Wilderness: An Interview with Anne Le Marquand Hartigan” in Manuela Palacios and Laura Lojo-Rodríguez, eds., Writing Bonds: Irish and Galician Women Poets. Bern: Peter Lang, 2009, 195–204.

Lara-Rollo, Carmen. “Pictures Worth a Thousand Words: Metaphorical Images of Textual Interdependence”. Nordic Journal of English Studies. Special issue: “Intertextuality” 8.2 (2009): 91–110.

Lara-Rollo, Carmen. “Museums, Collections and Cabinets: ‘Shelf after Shelf after Shelf’” in Caroline Patey and Laura Scuriatti, eds., The Exhibit in the Text. The Museological Practices of Literature. Bern: Peter Lang, 2009, 219–39. Series: Cultural Interactions.



Lojo-Rodriguez, Laura. “Virginia Woolf’s Female History in ‘The Journal of Mistress Joan Martyn’”. Short Story 16.1 (2008): 73–86.



Torres-Zúñiga, Laura. “Tennessee Williams’ ‘Something About Him’ or the Veiled Diagnosis of an Insane Society” in Mauricio D. Aguilera-Linde et al., eds., Entre la creación y el aula. Granada: Editorial Universidad de Granada, 2007.

Andrés-Cuevas, Isabel Ma. “The Duplicity of the City in O.Henry: ‘Squaring the Circle’ and ‘The Defeat of the City’” in G. S. Castillo, M. R. Cabello et al., eds., The Short Story in English: Crossing Boundaries. Universidad de Alcalá de Henares, 2007, 32–42.